Monday, August 25, 2014

Week 2: Reading Diary A

The scenery sounded very beautiful with the description of the river. I already can tell that this is going to be an easy book to read simply based off how the author writes. King Dasaratha seems like a gracious leader, I think I am going to like him. It seems that the story may have a lot to do with his successor, Vishnu incarnated as a human. Ravana and his brothers appear to be the villains of this story. I'm kind of confused about the ten heads thing. Does that make him ten different personalities in one? Does only one head talk? I also was unsure what a sage was, so I looked it up. 

  1. wise person: somebody who is regarded as knowledgeable, wise, and experienced, especially a man of advanced years revered for his wisdom and good judgment

I'm not sure how I feel about Sage Vishwamithra yet. He just comes in and acts like it is no big favor to ask Dasaratha for one of his children to go and fight demons. I find myself liking Dasaratha more and more as I read the story. He is definitely a relatable character. I love how much he cares for his sons and wants to protect them. 
Rama seems to be a much more central character than his brother, Lakshmana, at least at this point in this story. I'm curious to see if Rama is Vishnu in human form. 

Thataka's Story 

  • Thataka and her family are incredibly destructive people. I guess I can understand why Thataka became destructive, but it sounds like Sunda deserved his punishment. Revenge never actually betters anything. Thataka's destruction could not bring Sunda back, but instead left her and her sons cursed. She deserved her fate.
  • With the deities of all weaponry at his hands, Rama seems like he will be unstoppable!

Mahabali's Story 
  • SO Rama is Vishnu. It seems so weird to me that he is unaware of this. I really like how Vishnu tricked Mahabali in this story. Mahabali was very foolish not to listen to his guru. 

The Wedding
I think that it is really sweet how Rama and Sita find each other and have this epic love story even in human form. It started to sound a little bit like Romeo and Juliet when Sita proclaimed that she would take her life if the man who had won her hand wasn't the same man from the street. It seems that everything actually goes right in this story though. I hope that lasts! 

Two Promises Revived
I wasn't too surprised that Dasaratha chose to pass the kingdom over to Rama. I do wonder if any of Rama's brothers will have a problem with this. 
I really don't like this Kooni character! Kaikeyi would not have caused any problem if it weren't for Kooni. I really found myself strongly disliking Kaikeyi and her selfishness. Dasaratha seemed to be a good man, and for her to force those conditions on him is incredibly cruel. It's amazing how much promises and vows meant in this story compared to what they mean in our world today, which is basically nothing. 
Rama takes his father's orders so graciously. Although, it seems that Rama would have made an excellent king, I think that his journey and purpose in this life did not include being king, at least not for the moment. While I find Kaikeyi unbearable, I have hope that her son Bharatha is actually a good man. 

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