Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Writing Post: Week 15
My favorite writing for this class definitely turned out to be my Storybook stories. I also took Mythology and Folklore and found that my stories for my Storybook were my favorite. I really enjoy it because all of the stories are connected so you get to follow your characters for longer than just one storytelling post. This is why I prefer the Storybook over the Portfolio option. For commenting, I would suggest mentioning specifically what you liked about the stories that you read. I also think constructive criticism is useful, especially in the storybook comments. For me, I really tried to take into account the constructive criticism I received, and I think it really helped me to make my storybook something that I was proud of! This class definitely improved my creative writing skills, and my writing skills in general. As a nurse, my writing skills will be a very important part of my communication. Although the writing will be a lot different, this class helped me to improve my writing in general which I think will come in handy! My advice for writing in this class is to be creative! It can be turn out however you want it to, even if that means changing the ending. Make the story your own! Take time on your stories, especially for your storybook! The more you look over it, the more you can improve it.
Feedback for the Reading in this class: Week 15
I really enjoyed reading both the Mahabharata and Ramayana, but I definitely had a preference for the author's who told these stories. I much preferred Narayan's version to Buck's. Although I wasn't a big fan of Buck's version of the Ramayana, it did introduce new characters that were not in Narayan's version Two of these new characters were in my storybook (Trijata and Viradha), so I do think it should be included. I really liked that you are planning to provide the student with a choice between Buck's version and the India readings from Myth-Folklore. I thought this class had a good balance between reading and writing. Personally, I don't think anything needs to be changed with the balance between the two. By the time I got to reading the India stories from Myth-Folklore, I was already close to finishing up my points just based on my storybook assignments due to completing a lot of extra credit. Since I didn't read any of the Myth-Folklore India stories, I can't give you any feedback on those stories, but I do think it would be nice if those stories were offered earlier in the semester like your new schedule would allow. For advice for the students next semester, I would highly suggest working ahead and taking advantage of all of the extra credit options! It will allow you to finish up so much earlier! I would also suggest thinking of ideas for your storytelling as you do your reading diary and writing them down! My last piece of suggestion is just to be CREATIVE! That's what this class was all about for me! Enjoy the storytelling and coming up with new stories. It's a great opportunity to explore your creative side.
Monday, November 3, 2014
Famous Last Words for Week 11
this week was a good one! This will probably be one of my last posts because I
am almost finished with the class thanks to all of the extra credit
opportunities. I have almost 390 points so I’m hoping to just finish up the
rest of my points by writing my last story for my storybook and then revising
it. I decided to only do three stories for my storybook, but since I had four
characters I am going to have two of my characters tell their story for my
third story. I think it should work out well because my two characters I have
left are Vibhishana and Trijata who are father and daughter. I used my two free
storybook passes this week and last week, so I think I’ll write my new story
for next week and then finish it up the week after. I’m also planning to finish
some of the assignments for Week 15 because I know Laura wanted some feedback
on the class.
Outside of
class, I am really enjoying this Fall weather! Fall is absolutely my favorite
season! I love how the trees change, there is pumpkin flavored everything,
sweaters and boots, perfect weather, everything about Fall is wonderful! For
Halloween, Austin and I had a low-key party on Friday. We got dressed up,
played Cards Against Humanity, and watched the Purge with some of our close
friends. The Purge was the only scary movie that I would watch. I hate most
scary movies. We also had chili and beer bread which is what my family has
always done on Halloween. This was the first time that I have ever hosted a
party, and there is a lot of work that goes into getting it ready! Austin and I
dressed up as Batman and Robin. I really love superheroes so I thought it would
be fun.

Personal photo from our Halloween Party
I wish we had dressed up as Green Arrow and the Black Canary though
because those are my current favorite superheroes. You should really watch
Arrow if you don’t already! It’s a great show. Overall, I think everyone
enjoyed the party! The best thing about my week though is what my sister just
told me on the phone! Jessica, my oldest sister, is dilated to a 2! Baby James
was not supposed to come until November 30th, but it looks like he
might be coming as soon as next week by which time he will be full-term! I CAN’T
WAIT! I’m so excited to finally meet my nephew!
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