this week was a good one! This will probably be one of my last posts because I
am almost finished with the class thanks to all of the extra credit
opportunities. I have almost 390 points so I’m hoping to just finish up the
rest of my points by writing my last story for my storybook and then revising
it. I decided to only do three stories for my storybook, but since I had four
characters I am going to have two of my characters tell their story for my
third story. I think it should work out well because my two characters I have
left are Vibhishana and Trijata who are father and daughter. I used my two free
storybook passes this week and last week, so I think I’ll write my new story
for next week and then finish it up the week after. I’m also planning to finish
some of the assignments for Week 15 because I know Laura wanted some feedback
on the class.
Outside of
class, I am really enjoying this Fall weather! Fall is absolutely my favorite
season! I love how the trees change, there is pumpkin flavored everything,
sweaters and boots, perfect weather, everything about Fall is wonderful! For
Halloween, Austin and I had a low-key party on Friday. We got dressed up,
played Cards Against Humanity, and watched the Purge with some of our close
friends. The Purge was the only scary movie that I would watch. I hate most
scary movies. We also had chili and beer bread which is what my family has
always done on Halloween. This was the first time that I have ever hosted a
party, and there is a lot of work that goes into getting it ready! Austin and I
dressed up as Batman and Robin. I really love superheroes so I thought it would
be fun.

Personal photo from our Halloween Party
I wish we had dressed up as Green Arrow and the Black Canary though
because those are my current favorite superheroes. You should really watch
Arrow if you don’t already! It’s a great show. Overall, I think everyone
enjoyed the party! The best thing about my week though is what my sister just
told me on the phone! Jessica, my oldest sister, is dilated to a 2! Baby James
was not supposed to come until November 30th, but it looks like he
might be coming as soon as next week by which time he will be full-term! I CAN’T
WAIT! I’m so excited to finally meet my nephew!
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