Week 4: Reading Diary B
I thought it was kind of funny how King Dasaratha asked for them to allow him to make Rama the King, but when they happily cheer yes, he becomes all upset that they’re so willing to let Rama become the King. Often, you hear of unjust or cruel kings in stories like these. I think it is amazing that the people of Ayodoyah love their king and his sons so much. It makes me think of the question, would you rather people fear you or love you. I think for Dasaratha and his sons, they would rather their people love them than fear them.
I find it so strange how Dasaratha’s three wives are so content with all being married to the same man. It just seems so unnatural and foreign to me. I also thought it was strange that the woman who was called Kooni in Narayan’s version is called Manthara in Buck’s version. I wonder why that is. After the description of Manthara, I’m rather surprised that she was able to have an influence over Kaikeyi. Kaikeyi was way too easily convinced to change her mind. While I still find it irritating that Kaikeyi forces Dasaratha to make Bharata king, instead of Rama, I now know that it is what was necessary for Rama to fulfill his destiny.
I also found the idea of an angry-room really funny! Maybe we should all have one of those, and the walls could just be covered with pillows for us to punch when we are angry!
It’s amazing how Rama is so carefree about the whole situation, he doesn’t have a bit of anger in him! It was also cool how the city was so loyal to him!
This author definitely uses much more detail than Narayan! I think this detail adds a lot to the story, but sometimes it seems so drawn out!
I thought Guha was an interesting new character. I like that there is some new content in this book, as well as the same plot from Narayan’s version. It also was interesting to learn more about Kaikeyi through Guha. She seems to have quite a bit of evil within her. How could she continue to ask him that of her when it would have brought his death! I’m glad he stood up for himself at least then.
PERFECT! This showed up in my reader with the text this time. I'll go do the D2L thing now. Thank you!!!